Thursday, December 13, 2007

Savoring Christmas Memories

Singing for the King!

Tuesday night was the Christmas program for our 3 youngest girls. It was a first time performance for all three. I must say, I was nervous for the twins. They do not like a lot of attention drawn to themselves publicly. And obviously singing Christmas songs on stage in front of 1300 people is just asking for attention! I was actually quite pleased that Grace and Emmy even stood on stage. Gracie had a little trouble beforehand because her Daddy dropped her off and left without giving her the standard kiss and hug. Not good! Eventually she calmed down and made her first debut on stage with the rest of the preschoolers. I think the 3 yr olds were on stage maybe 15 minutes or so and the twins didn't open their mouths in song even once! It was actually quite amusing watching them stand there somewhat shell shocked :) I was just glad they didn't scream, puke, or run off stage. They stood there stiffly and silently through the whole performance. I was still so proud!

Hannah Boo, on the other hand, rocked out the house!!! This was, like I said, her first performance of any kind, and she did fabulously! She sang her little heart out and knew every motion and every word. Adam and I chuckled as we watched her bob and sway to every song. She had the beat! Hannah definitely enjoyed herself up there. My heart soared with pride.

But whether singing out loud, or not so loud (or not at all!), I knew that this was a time in which children were remembering who they were celebrating. The One that came and was born to save us from our sins. The One that came to give us hope. The One that came so we could have life more abundantly. And as we celebrate Jesus' birth we also need to remember that it's also because of His death and resurrection that we can have eternal life. Because of God's immense love for us, He gave His Son. How much love does that require? Love beyond my comprehension! But I am so grateful for it! Sadly, I sometimes take that love for granted all too often. But my Heavenly Father is still there, holding His outstretched arms to me, always welcoming me back. God, you're love, grace, forgiveness, and mercy are so wonderful beyond words! I need to remember that those gifts are mine every day....every season. So yes, the birth of that little baby gives me much reason to celebrate! Thank you Lord!