Friday, August 6, 2010

Tweenhood Has Begun

Yesterday we added a tween to our family unit. Well, not really a new family member, just a family member with a new age. Yep, our oldest girl, Lyndsey turned 11. ELEVEN! How in the world does this keep happening? Our kids continue to grow older, and amazingly enough, their dad and I don't age at all. Hmmm. Weird.

Birthday shopping was a little different this year. I found myself putting things back on the shelf because they were too "little girlish." And yet, I couldn't bring myself to get her full-on teenager gifts. Lyndsey's not ready for that. I'm not ready for that.

I must say though, she is definitely maturing and definitely becoming more responsible. Actually, Lyndsey has been responsible since she was about 4. No kidding. By the time she was 7, she could have taken care of her little sisters just about as well as I could. She is extremely nurturing and responsible. I can't imagine Lynds not having children of her own someday. She's just so maternal.

11 years Miss Lyndsey. 11 years of hoping I'm parenting you well. 11 years of cleaning boo boos and applying band-aids. 11 years of watching you learn and being amazed at how smart you are. 11 years of painting nails, shopping for cute clothes, and eating at Subway :) And, let's be honest, 11 years of sending you to your room, praying that God would continue to mold your heart...and mine as well. Love. That's what it is. 11 years of loving you.

Your dad and I love you, Lyndsey Lou!


Anonymous said...

Wow! Hard to believe we've been parenting for 11 years already! How did that happen? I'm blessed to parent with you. I look forward to many more memories with you and our princesses.