Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Funnies from Hannah

Our 5 (almost 6) year old daughter has quite the sense of humor. On several occasions she has made her Dad and I laugh because of her unexpected comments, a silly face, or just because of her outlook on life in general. She has, in my opinion, always lived quite happily in "Hannah Land." She is by far the roughest and toughest of the Jackson girls, but at the same time, has such a sweet spirit and soft heart. So often I have wanted to write down some of the comments she's made, fearing that I someday will forget the funny things she says. I have forgotten too many of them already, so I thought I'd share a couple of her recent "funnies" now.

Last week I was driving Hannah and her little sisters to school, when Hannah asked me if I liked to drive. "Well," I replied, "I don't know if I like it or not, but I sure seem to do a lot of it!" She then told me that I should become a taxi driver. To my amusement, she went on to explain that "all we need to do is paint the van yellow, put a white sign on it, and you (Mom) need to grow a beard." I guess that's how she envisions taxi drivers! Oh, and of course this was all said quite matter-of-factly. She didn't see anything silly about it at all....just the things that needed to be done in order for me to make the transformation. Too funny Hannah!

And for funny I overheard Hannah talking to her little sisters as they were playing on the living room floor. This is what I heard her saying..."Hey twins, do you know what bacon is made of? When pigs die, and they're cooked, it's bacon! And chicken comes from chickens! And fish comes from fish!". To that I said "What about cows?" "Yuck!" she said. "Nobody eats cows, that's disgusting!" This coming from the girl that always orders a cheeseburger whenever we go out to eat! Oh Hannah you really do make your Mom chuckle!

Maybe these things don't sound too funny, but hearing Hannah talk in her animated fashion, and saying things with such certainty, along with her vibrant facial expressions, just does my heart good. Hannah Banana, you have blessed my heart many times and I love you!


Anonymous said...

Grandma is bringing along a big hug for you from me, Hannah! Make sure you get it! Hope you have a happy day! I love you ~ Aunt Nikki

Missy said...

Hannah Boosky...I agree with your Momma! You're a funny and beautiful little girl...I'm so very glad to be your friend!


Adam Jackson said...

Enjoying the funnies with you my love!

Heather said...

how funny! don't you just love the things they come up with and like you said, they don't think it's funny, but to us we're cracking up inside!! :)