Monday, September 10, 2007

Leaving the Nest...Temporarily

It seems a lifetime ago that my husband and I started having children, although it was really only 8 years ago. And it seems also, that once the first one was born, the other 3 came along quite quickly. And because they pretty much came one right after the other (and by the pair) that there was always a baby in the house.

This past year has been a big one for me as a mom. For the first time in 8 years I was able to leave the house without a diaper bag, sippy cups, pacifiers, wipes (although I still use these things 'cause they're so darn handy!) and anything else affiliated with an infant. Oh how my definitions of "freedom" have changed over the years! When the twins were born, there was a stock pile of diapers, wipes, diaper cream, and formula. And it seemed that no matter how much I tried, I just was always in a state of sleep deprivation. There are very sweet memories that come from that time in my life, but I find myself in a new stage of "mommyhood" that is bound to have it's share of sweet memories too.

In two days I will be experiencing a new "first." Sometime Wednesday afternoon I will be found at home....BY MYSELF!!!! I'm sure to some, this may seem like no big deal, but to me, it's thrilling and kind of scary all at the same time. All 4 of my girls are attending school this year. We have a second grader, a Kindergartner, and the twins are in preschool. Our oldest is gone all day and our 5 year old is in school afternoons only, and the 2 youngest will be gone Monday and Wednesday afternoons. The 3 youngest girls are only gone 2 1/2 hours during the afternoon, but that's more "alone" time than I'm used to on a typical day. Between different pick-up and drop-off times, I'll actually be spending a lot of my "free time" driving, but I've decided I'm okay with that!

My girls are growing up. There were days in the past several years that I wasn't sure I'd make it through without losing complete sanity. For those of you who know me, I'm sure it seems I lost quite a bit of it :) But this new stage has me thinking. Now that my girls are "leaving the nest" for a good part of their day, are they ready? As their mother, have I prepared them? Did I nurture their "ouchies" and their hearts? Have I let them see enough of Jesus in me, so they can show Him to others? I realize they are actually still quite young, and it's not like they are going off to college tomorrow. But, I don't think that's any reason not to reflect on these things. I find myself losing patience with these little ones that need so much tenderness and care....and patience. I want to become a better mom to my children. Amazingly, it seems that my girls only ever love and forgive me, no matter how "short" I am with them, or how busy I can get sometimes.
So, I guess I still have time to learn from their examples of unconditional love and forgiveness.

I find myself wishing they could actually stay home with Mom a little bit longer. I love you my little princesses!


Anonymous said...

Oh, Stace, they're so big! Praying that all of you have a smooth transition to this exciting new season! Hugs to everyone ~

Adam Jackson said...

Love you hon! Thanks for all you do in being a great mom to our girls!

Anonymous said...

Oh, how they have grown since we last saw you! I can't wait to get out there to give them all sorts of kisses--butterfly, Eskimo, and real! (Grandma's are entitled, right??) We love you all!

Heather said...

I hope the transition is going well for all of you. I have the same feelings and fears/concerns. We should talk some time! (sorry I didn't call back yesterday)