Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A Brief Update

It's been a while since I've blogged, so I guess I'll justify it by saying we've been a little bit busy lately. Is there ever a time where it doesn't seem busy?

All six of us took a trip to Ohio recently. It was wonderful to see family that we hadn't seen in about 9 months! We had our camera with us the whole time, but hardly took any pictures with it. So I only have a few pics to show of our trip. We got some great family pictures, but with someone else's camera :) It was a busy, but good trip and was wonderful to see everybody. It was even worth flying with 4 young kids.... that's saying a lot! Actually, the kids did very well, and I think Adam and I did ok too :)

After coming home and getting back into the routine of things, I had a very pleasant surprise that made it evident I was missed while visiting out of state. The pictures above will explain. I guess my friend and I had it coming.... no need to say anymore about that! There was a team of 8 people who decided to "decorate" my yard and van, just because they care :) I awoke to a rather colorful scene Saturday morning. My oldest daughter wasn't very happy about it, but it sure made me smile and feel very loved! There's been a bit of competition between myself and a few others (who will remain nameless!)

It's hard to believe the school year is coming to an end. I am somewhat taken back, but very excited to realize that I'm about to have 2 children going to school ALL DAY, come next fall. Crazy! This is such a fun time for me as I look back on the school year, and reflect on all the hard work and growing up my children did. I love watching my kids as they face new challenges in learning with excitement and determination. It makes this momma very proud!

I guess this has been a rather random post. Those of you who know me, are used to my random thinking :) Just wanted to let everyone know that the Jackson's are still alive and well.... just a little bit busy. Hope you all are doing well family and friends!


Missy said...

I'm glad you guys had a fun and safe trip to Ohio...but I've even MORE glad that you guys are back home! You were most definitely missed. :)

Btw...I left the forks on my garage...they make me smile. They also remind me that we have a lot of planning to do for our next "mission".

Your partner in crime! :)

Anonymous said...

We DO love you and are so glad you're back! Just remember -- don't mess with the old people!
Adoringly, Thelma

Anonymous said...

Mmmm, nothing says "love" like froot loops, cookies, and a flamingo! We DO love you and are so happy to have you all back.....we are watching you though :o) Louise

Heather said...

I hope your trip was a good one. I'm glad that you were able to make it home to Ohio. I love the pic of you and your dad.
Sounds and looks like you've got some pretty crazy friends!