Tuesday, September 30, 2008

One Big Thought

I have had lots of thoughts swirling through my head lately, so it's a little hard for me to display them logically here in this post. I've been a little heavy-hearted recently, but there is one main thought for sure that I can relay to you very clearly.

My God is a great God! His grace covers every minute, every second that I breathe. Sometimes we trick ourselves into believing that, for the most part, we've got things under control, and then when the hard times hit, we go to God asking Him to be our shelter, our strength. There's nothing wrong with that at all....He tells us to come to Him. But, what I need to be continually reminded of is that He is always my shelter, my strength, my peace, my absolute lifeline. My identity is found in Christ, and Christ alone! I don't need more grace at one time than I do another. When I look at things like that, I'm making God very little, and myself very big. I don't want to do that! I don't have "just some of the Holy Spirit" dwelling within me while I'm watching TV and "all of the Holy Spirit" dwelling within me when I'm singing a praise song at church. God is never "less" at anytime. He is....all the time. He is.

These are the thoughts that have been a result of all the "stuff" that's been going on in my head and my heart. These truths are absolutes because it's what I read in His word, and how can I not be encouraged and forever grateful??? God, you are sufficient all the time! Thank you!

And here are a few pictures of God's goodness and grace....my family! We've really been enjoying some fun family time together, so I thought I'd share with you :)


Karen Hossink said...

"I don't need more grace at one time than I do another."
Yes!!! I am equally desperate when my circumstances are favorable, or not!
I love your one big thought, Stacey. Thanks for sharing it.
And thanks for praying for me. You have no idea how much I appreciate that!

Missy said...

Great pics...what total HAMS the twins have become over the last year!! Just last Thanksgiving, Joe had to chase the twins around with the camera...did he ever get a pic of them both looking at the same time?? LOL...I don't think he did.

Now look at 'em!! :)

Jessica Nelson said...

Your family is beautiful!
I really like your thought about making ourselves big and God small. So true.

Anonymous said...

Hey Stacey,
I remember you from Fellowship (Columbus, OH). I used to be Davenport, but six years ago became Annette Parsell!
I was introducded to your blog via nikki's blog and I have really enjoyed it. I love the pictures! I love seeing all the wonderful memories you are making with your girls. And I am stirred by this post, about God's grace and making him GREAT, all the time because he is GREAT all the time! THANK YOU :)