Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Sweet, Sweet Music

Today this Mom's ears were blessed with some of the sweetest music I've ever heard. My morning had been particularly difficult. The twins were going at it for about the 5th round of yelling, fighting, and were refusing to share with each other. My 8 year old and I had a little "run-in" with each other about what outfit she would wear for the day. She wanted to wow the neighborhood with her new school clothes and I wanted her to wear her cut-offs and old t-shirt so she could run around and feel free to dirty up. (She's only 8 and it's starting already???)

So I started up the steps to begrudgingly fold 3 loads of laundry that I've been putting off for quite some time. As I was nearing the toppling pile of laundry, I was reminding myself of how "unfair" and "difficult" motherhood was. I was doing a pretty good job of making myself feel justified for my ever brooding bad attitude. So I folded all the laundry and proceeded to put it all into the correct closets and drawers. I was just about to open my 5 year old's bedroom door to put her stuff away, but stopped. On the other side of that door, my daughter was ministering to her Mom and didn't even know it. She was playing her sister's little pink guitar and singing such a sweet song. It didn't have a consistent melody, and would've been considered off key by most, but the words were heart-warming. Nothing rhymed and it didn't seem to have a verse or chorus, but these were the lyrics I heard being sung so heart felt:

Oh, I want to obey, Oh I want to obey
God loves me and I love Him
Sometimes I'm naughty and I get in trouble
But I want to obey
God loves me, God loves me
I love God, I love God
And I want to obey Him

The bitterness and "it's not fair!" attitude started to melt away as I listened to this song. It was the heart of my little girl being displayed in song! Yep, she certainly taught this lady a lesson! Instead of being so caught up in what wasn't fair in my world, I needed to be thinking about what was so great in my world. I have a God that loves me unconditionally (even when my attitude stinks!). He has given me hope through His son. And yes, sometimes I'm naughty, but I want to obey Him because I love Him!

So, thanks Hannah, for blessing your Mom with that beautiful song. You think I am the one that teaches you things, but you have taught me some very important things as well! God has used your sweet spirit and loving heart to remind me of His love and goodness. Your music did my soul some good so keep on singing Boo!


Heather said...

hey it's me...still here, still breathing...just really really fast. It's been a crazy busy summer, any way... I love it when they make up songs and sing what's on their hearts. praise God for your girls!!

Anonymous said...

This grandma's heart is very touched by a very sweet song. "I have no greater joy than to know that my children (and grandchildren) walk in truth." I love you all.

Anonymous said...

So glad your sweet Hannah unknowingly brought such affirmation and encouragement to her mom. Her aunt is mighty blessed, too. Give that sweet girl a hug from me!

Missy said...

Thanks for sharing this...what a neat story! Hannah is SO precious...I just adore her! I'm looking forward to getting to know your other girls, too!